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Educational Materials

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The unprecedented impact of a viral pandemic on antibacterial use

UK expert Dr. Luke Moore explains the importance of diagnostics to distinguish between bacterial and viral infections, helping prescribers apply recent COVID-19 guidelines on antibacterial use with confidence.

Antibiotic use in non-severe versus critically-ill COVID-19 patients

French ICU expert Dr. Louis Kreitmann talks about the disruptive impact of COVID-19 in healthcare, the key tools to identify bacterial coinfections and ways to sustain antibiotic efficacy as part of ASP.

Antibiotics in COVID-19 patients: why such an overuse?

Discover what infectious disease expert Dr. Sebastian Wendt, from Germany, thinks may be the reasons behind antibiotic overuse in COVID-19 patients, and how the latest guidelines support appropriate antibiotic prescribing through AMS.

COVID-19 and antibiotic use: learning from key evidences

Infectious Disease expert Dr. Pilar Retamar gives her point of view on the evolution of antibiotic use in COVID-19 patients since the beginning of the pandemic, and what is done in her hospital to address the identified challenges.

Impact of COVID-19 on AMS in hospitals: a snapshot from Greece

Prof. Nikolaos Sipsas from Greece discusses the current challenges faced regarding antibiotic use in times of COVID-19, along with essential enablers identified for appropriate antimicrobial stewardship.

Challenges associated with coinfection, superinfection & antibiotic use in COVID-19

When to confidently start or stop antibiotics in COVID-19 patients? Expert from Italy Dr. Tascini talks syndromic testing and biomarkers.

The shared responsibility of fighting antimicrobial resistance

Experts from the Middle East discuss the impact of antimicrobial resistance and how each one of us can contribute to fighting its spread.

The scientific content in the above materials has been developed independently by the speaker(s)/author(s). The views presented in these materials are the authors’ personal opinions and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint, strategy or opinions of bioMérieux.

The content on this website and associated materials do not constitute medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for the individual professional judgement of any physician or other health care practitioner regarding the appropriate course of action for a particular patient. All recommendations should be independently reviewed with appropriate medical staff in light of the needs of any particular institution and its patients. bioMérieux makes no guarantee or representation regarding the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of this information for any particular purpose, including but not limited to any cost savings.