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Is AMS at risk in the face of COVID-19?

The COVID-19 pandemic puts tremendous pressure on all healthcare professionals, not least on infectious disease and infection control specialists. During this webinar, Doctor Pilar Retamar and Doctor Luke Moore will present why antibiotic stewardship principles are of paramount importance during these challenging times.

(Other languages available: French - German - Italian)

Is COVID-19 Sepsis?

During this webinar, Professor Mervyn Singer will address the link between COVID-19 and Sepsis, a life threatening organ dysfunction caused by dysregulated host response to infection, with a “simple” question, is COVID-19 Sepsis?

(Other languages available: French - German - Italian)

The Role of RT-PCR & Serology Tests in the Diagnosis and Management of COVID-19 Patients

Testing is a crucial step in controlling the novel COVID-19 pandemic. During this webinar, Professor Lina will share his experience about the use and positioning of both RT-PCR and serology tests in the diagnosis of COVID-19, address their value and limitations and, will also cover the impact of virus genetic evolution on diagnostics and expectation for immunity. Finally, Professor Lina will present the lessons learned from this first pandemic wave and his views and considerations about a possible second wave.

(Other languages available: French - German - Italian)

Emergency Room: Key Biomarkers in managing COVID-19 suspected patients

Professor Hausfater will share his current experience and considerations for a possible second wave about the role of biomarkers in the management of suspected COVID-19 patients and in the monitoring of potential complications including organ failures.

(Other languages available: French - German - Italian)

The scientific content in the above materials has been developed independently by the speaker(s)/author(s). The views presented in these materials are the authors’ personal opinions and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint, strategy or opinions of bioMérieux.

The content on this website and associated materials do not constitute medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for the individual professional judgement of any physician or other health care practitioner regarding the appropriate course of action for a particular patient. All recommendations should be independently reviewed with appropriate medical staff in light of the needs of any particular institution and its patients. bioMérieux makes no guarantee or representation regarding the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of this information for any particular purpose, including but not limited to any cost savings.