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Future of ATMPS

February 24, 2022


Is the future of cell and gene therapy autologous or allogeneic? Which solid tumour may receive the first cell therapy treatment? How will the use of ATMPs in cancer care change our healthcare structures in years to come? Discover all this and more in this podcast with bioMérieux.

In our previous advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) episode Jérôme Larghero, Director of the Department of Biotherapies and the MEARY Center for Cell and Gene Therapy in the Hôpital Saint-Louis, AP-HP, and Julien Textoris, Vice President of Global Medical Affairs, Immunoassays and host response at bioMérieux, discussed the importance of collaboration in developing cell and gene therapies and the processes and quality controls that support their manufacture. In this final episode they join us once again to explain what makes these challenges worth overcoming and the key areas of development expected to shape the future of these critical treatments.

Find out about all of this and more in this podcast:


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