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Egg recalls for Salmonella contamination have been soaring across global news outlets. Whether producing fresh, liquid, dried, scrambled, hard, whole eggs, egg whites, or egg yolks, egg producers, processors and exporters have to comply with local and international regulations by setting up a strict HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Plan) to monitor their operations and minimize the incidence of pathogens. 


Choosing the right testing and monitoring solutions to guarantee those perfect conditions prevents losses to finished products, and ensures profitability. bioMérieux acts as a skilled partner to provide the exact technological solutions that you need.

Product List

  • SMASHER® Sample Blender

    High-Performance Blender

    The SMASHER® is a high-performance bag blender that ensures homogenous samples prior to microbial detection or identification tests.
  • TEMPO® Quality Indicator Solution

    Automated Quality Indicator Solution

    TEMPO® is a fully automated enumeration system that tests quality indicators in food products and environmental samples within your laboratory.
  • VITEK EXPRESS Identification Services

    ID Services Powered by Microbiology Experts

    As microbiologists, we know fast and reliable results are of the utmost importance. Get the accurate identifications you need quickly and easily.

    Your Solution for Automated Microbial Identification

    The VITEK® 2 Compact system offers quality control testing solutions for fast and accurate microbial identification. With technology that includes an extensive and robust identification database, rapid results, and minimal training time, it will streamline laboratory workflow for increased productivity.
  • VITEK® MS Rapid Identification of Microorganisms

    Improve Your Productivity and Increase Confidence

    VITEK® MS was developed for its rapid identification of microorganisms for the pharmaceutical,personal care, and food industries. Suitable for industrial manufacturers and pharmaceutical laboratories who work with microbial identification, our knowledge base contains the most frequently encountered organisms in pharmaceutical, food and animal health applications.

Continue Your Journey

Your Guide To Solving Food Safety & Quality Challenges with Augmented Diagnostics

Do you want to learn how to use your data to solve your most pressing challenges and improve your operation? Download our guide to get started.

Environmental Monitoring E-Learning

Pathogen Environmental Monitoring E-Learning Course

Elevate your team's expertise and ensure consistent planning and execution across your organization with our interactive eLearning course.